It's our foundation and commitment to excellence in servicing our customers. At Boyer's we believe that Red Shirt Service is having the Friendliest, Most Helpful, and Knowledgeable Teammates available to assist you in any way during your shopping experience.
We hope that each and every time you are in our stores, you see the difference in our Teammates vs. our Competitors' Employees.
Help us Reward our Teammates for Performing Outstanding Red Shirt Service!
Use this Nomination Form to Nominate the Boyer's Teammate(s) that Exceeded your expectations during your shopping trip!
Stacy won for the following Act of Customer Service:
When Stacy made a home delivery to one of our customers, she found that the customer had fallen and was unable to get up. She called emergency services and stayed with the customer until they arrived.
Outstanding Job Stacy!!! Please join us in congratulating Stacy on this outstanding act of customer service.